David Shuey
1 min readJun 9, 2020


Good question.

Well, my main resource doc I keep is called "10 Studies Indicating No Police Racial Bias + Counterpoint Studies." I broke out those Counterpoint Studies into a separate doc as I published this article (it was a looooooong doc).

It can be cleaned up more, and I can add any studies in there.

Many of the studies I've found DO NOT contextualize crime rates, and gloss over on-the-ground realities. They've helped, also, inform my opinion that there's a great deal of risk in presenting studies that counter the narrative that police are unique threat to black people in the United States. If they're a "threat" they're a threat to everyone evenly.

Doc: "10 Studies Indicating No Police Racial Bias + Counterpoint Studies"


Doc: "Counterpoint Studies - on Use of force"




David Shuey

Writer. Researcher. Designer. Human seeking better outcomes for all. Empiricism, relevant facts, and logical arguments > simple narratives.