I guess this author and those who like it want more people to die and be injured in the black community. Because that’s where this rhetoric is leading. And has (past tense) led if you paid attention these past few years. 3000 more people were murdered in 2016 than in 2014, more than 70% are non-white.
Instead of a ridiculously stupid article based on isolated incidents and no hard evidence of trends, I’m just going to leave some science here for ya’ll. Why? To plant a seed in your brain that quite possibly police aren’t racially biased and de-policing will devastate poor minority communities:
3 studies show no racial bias by police in arrests, or at least no evidence of discrimination by police (there goes your “over-policing” argument):
“Results indicate that race does have an indirect effect on police contact, but it is White individuals who are more likely to be questioned and arrested.” SOURCE (2016, Criminal Justice Review): http://cjr.sagepub.com/content/41/3/294.full.pdf+html
“Multivariate logistic regression results show that the odds of arrest for white offenders is approximately 22% higher for robbery, 13% higher for aggravated assault, and 9% higher for simple assault than they are for black offenders. These findings suggest that the disproportionately high arrest rate for black citizens is most likely attributable to differential involvement in reported crime rather than to racially biased law enforcement practices.” SOURCE (2003, Social Forces, Department of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill): http://sf.oxfordjournals.org/content/81/4/1381
“To date, the research that has been conducted cannot confirm or refute whether officers discriminate against members of racial minority groups.”
SOURCE (2004, NCJRS, U.S. Department of Justice): https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/213004.pdf
Two papers show how de-policing negatively affects the lives of poor minority communities:
Ferguson Effect paper (2017):
“In this article, we examine the association between public concern over police violence and crime rates using Google search measures to estimate the former. Analyzing data on 43 large U.S. cities, we find that violent crime was higher and rose more in cities where concern about police violence was greatest. We also find that measures of social inequality predict crime rates.”
ACLU Effect paper (2018):
“Our regression equations permit quantification of the costs of the decline in stop and frisks. Because of fewer stop and frisks in 2016, it appears that (conservatively calculating) approximately 239 additional victims were killed and 1129 additional shootings occurred in that year alone. And these tremendous costs are not evenly distributed, but rather are concentrated among Chicago’s African-American and Hispanic communities.”
Here are 3 academic papers showing blacks are NOT injured or shot at a higher rate than whites or other racial groups by police:
http://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/early/2016/07/27/injuryprev-2016-042023 (Injury and Prevention: “Perils of police action: a cautionary tale from US data sets”)
http://www.nber.org/papers/w22399 (Roland Fryer at Harvard: “An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force”)
https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2870189 (College of William and Mary Department of Economics and the Crime Prevention Research Center: “Do White Police Officers Unfairly Target Black Suspects?”)
And here are other analyses showing there’s NO racial bias in shootings (or slight bias against whites):
https://www.cesariolab.com/race-bias-in-shooting (The Social Cognition Laboratory: “Are Black Americans killed by police more than we would expect?”)
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1745-9133.12187/abstract (Washington State shooting study showing police shoot whites more in training: “The Reverse Racism Effect”)