David Shuey
1 min readAug 20, 2017


It’s funny. Not the Juggalos, who I take deadly seriously. But these arguments about the potential threat from these Alt-Right and racist bigots. Because when I click some links or examples, I don’t often see actual examples of violence. Have we heard of the Klan purposely going out and wreaking havoc in black communities, and lynching people like it’s 1965 anymore? That has been a question of mine for some time. Anyway, so I wrote this during the past week, and ask anyone: Can they debunk these evidence-based points?

Should minorities worry for their safety? I can’t say. We make our own choices and opinions. What to make of this moment in history? KKK membership had dwindled to its smallest at 3,000 current members according to the Anti-Defamation League. Hate crime murder represents under one-fifth of 1% of all murders. 12% of white homicides are committed by police, but 4% of black homicides are at the hands of cops. Unlike the headlines that oppress us with fear, I want to avoid the sensational. And stick to reality. Here we go …



David Shuey

Writer. Researcher. Designer. Human seeking better outcomes for all. Empiricism, relevant facts, and logical arguments > simple narratives.